An important word from the Dean:
As we are in the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, and infection rates continue to rise in the regions around us, across the nation, and around the world, and recognizing that the coming of Christmas and other festive occasions will increase regional travel and movement about our community, it is clear that we are fast approaching a particular time of increased risk of disease. In consideration of this I, with the support of Cathedral leadership, am suspending gathered worship at St. Luke's for the period of December 16, 2020 to January 15, 2021. While we will surely miss our familiar and beloved Christmas celebrations, we will continue our virtual services so that we might worship together from the safety of our own homes. Links to our recorded services will be found at our Cathedral website, YouTube channel, and via the Cathedral Updates email newsletters.
Please note that during this same period the Cathedral office will be opened by appointment only. In cases of pastoral emergency, please call 705-297-0912.
Even as we must keep distance, we continue as the people of God in fellowship and service. Please continue to follow the advice and directions of our healthcare leaders; minimize travel, practice physical distancing, wear a mask, wash your hands often. But also continue in prayer, find safe ways and opportunities to reach out to friends and loved ones, encourage those who are lonely or afraid, support those in need. Even in these strange and trying times, let us be a generous and thankful people.
Wishing you and yours the rich blessings of this holy time.
Yours in Christ,
Dean James +