Outreach - Local Food Bank

As you may know, the St. Luke’s family regularly supports the efforts of the Salvation Army to share food with our neighbours. The First Sunday of every month, at the Cathedral, is designated “Salvation Army Food Bank Sunday”. The items are received and blessed the same day, and delivered to the Salvation Army by a volunteer. Dean Jim spoke with Major Sean Furey who advised that donations to their Food Bank had ceased with the impact of COVID-19, but that the need continues. Communicated through our weekly Cathedral Updates email, Dean Jim advised that items of non-perishable food and small personal care items would be picked up from individual homes, on a particular day, from those who wished to donate. With Nicki McShane as driver, and Dean Jim and Liam doing the heavy lifting a truckload of food and personal care items and monetary donations were picked up and delivered to the Salvation Army on Thursday, April 2nd.