“Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon.” Isaiah 58:10
Sharing with Our Neighbours
Here at St. Luke’s Cathedral, we take pride in the many ways our parishioners put duty before self to serve others. To assist them in their efforts we provide multiple ways to give and volunteer. If you are interested in being more involved in your community, consider the following programs below.
For more information, please contact the Cathedral office through our email form or call us at 705-254-7144.
Primate's World Relief & Development Fund
Funding for Development, Relief, Refugees and Global Justice
St. Luke's Cathedral accepts donations on behalf of the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF); an Anglican Church of Canada’s agency that provides funding and human resources for sustainable development, relief, refugees, and global justice.
Hymn Sing
Singing hymns at the Van Daele
Once a month, a few of our musically inclined volunteers visit the Van Daele retirement home to sing hymns for the residents to enjoy. If you love to sing, this is a wonderful way to offer your talent to your community.

Service to the Lord
Lend a hand within the Cathedral
We, of St. Luke’s Cathedral, welcome all community members who would like to volunteer to maintain and grow our ministry capabilities. The Cathedral is a diverse family whose members volunteer as Lay Readers, Ushers, Altar Guild members, program leaders and much more!
FoodBank Sunday
Non-perishable food items for the Salvation Army Foodbank
The first Sunday of each month is FoodBank Sunday. We encourage everyone in our community visiting the Cathedral on FoodBank Sunday to bring non-perishable food items with them. The items are blessed during the service before being delivered to the Salvation Army Foodbank later in the week. If you are unable to attend the Foodbank Sunday service, we still welcome non-perishable food donations at any time.
Hotel Product Collection
Small gifts for the Sault Area Hospital
If you have any unused complimentary hotel products, consider bringing them to St. Luke's Cathedral. We collect complimentary hotel products such as bars of soap, shampoo, conditioner, and mouthwash for in-patients at the Psychology Ward in the Sault Area Hospital.