Dean’s Message Easter 2017
I knew a bishop with a most annoying habit; every time he met someone, regardless of who it was, or how often they met, that bishop would...
The Dean's Message (November 2016)
A wonderful thing happened to me this week, in a moment, in an instant. I was at a breakfast meeting. It was a business meeting, but not...
Sacristy Renovation & Dedication
The blessing and dedication of the refurbished Sacristy was held Sunday, November 20, 2016, to the Glory of God and in loving memory of...
We Will Remember Them
The harmonious sound of drums, trumpets and bagpipes filled the rafters at St. Luke’s Cathedral this past November as the community came...
Daughters of Disciples
A journey through the heritage of the Anglican Church Women A Brief History of the ACW In 1885, Canada’s population was as small as 4.5...