St. Luke's Cathedral Choir
St. Luke's Cathedral Choir enhances the experience of worship and leads the congregation in celebrating the word of the Lord through song. The choir sings during the 10:30 a.m. service, the monthly Evensong, and special Cathedral events. If requested, the choir will also sing at funerals and weddings.
The Cathedral Choir is led by Cathedral Organist and Choirmaster Stephen Mallinger. On average, being a choir member is a four hour a week commitment, and anyone who likes to sing is welcome to join. The choir practices every Thursday and sings.

The Organist writes…
I recorded a collection of chorale preludes by Danish composer Dietrich Buxtehude. It is available for purchase as a CD for $20 taxes in, with all the proceeds going to the organ maintenance fund for the Cathedral’s two wonderful Beckerath organs. Please contact the office (705-254-7144) if you would like to purchase a copy. There are only 100 CDs available, and the initial interest has been very strong so, without trying to sound like a tacky TV commercial, act now! My daughter Hilary’s boyfriend Ryan Taffe designed the artwork.
Buxtehude was born in Denmark but worked as an organist at St. Mary’s Church in Lübeck, Germany. He was so famous that the young Bach, still a student, walked 200 miles to hear him. Bach spent several months studying with him, so we can thank Buxtehude for helping to shape Bach’s musical personality. He wrote numerous pieces for the organ, including two volumes of chorale preludes. A chorale prelude is a composition with a hymn tune as its basis for departure. Some are very simple, presenting the hymn in a very clear and audible manner, while others are more ornate, disguising the melody.
Thank you.
Stephen Mallinger

Stephen Mallinger’s new album “Christmas at St. Luke’s Cathedral” can be heard on YouTube and Spotify now. It can be purchased on iTunes for $9.99. Individual tracks are $0.99. The album was recorded on the Cathedral’s two beautiful Beckerath organs over the Christmas pandemic lockdown. The Christmas carols themselves are very old, traditional melodies. The compositions are brand new and were written by Stephen.
YouTube link:

Stephen Mallinger has recorded a chorale prelude, Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend, BWV 709,
by Bach, on the main Beckerath organ which you can hear on Youtube and Spotify. If you would like to purchase the recording the cost is 99¢ ($0.99) on iTunes and Amazon. Links are provided below.
This recording has been heard on European radio, with broadcasts in Germany, France, Belgium,
Sweden, Russian Federation, and the US.